Squeaky Bogg Jammer
- An adaptation of the Squeaky Bogg Jammer platformer. Run, jump, and spit your way to ... nothing, really. You're just running and spitting to no means.
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- Controls
- Arrow Keys move Bogg left and right. You can also use the number pad (4 and 6) or A and D.
- Down will cause Squeaky to squat. This is mirrored with S and the 5 and 2 on the number Pad.
- Up makes the li'l bugger jump into the air. The same goes for W and number pad 8.
- Space and number pad Zero make Squeaky attack with the selected attack.
- Plus & Minus changes the selected attack type.
- Enter & Decimal Point changes the current stage since a lot of them can't be left by other means.
- Gameplay
- Press and hold a direction (double tap) to go into a sprint.
- Press into walls and spring off to reach higher areas. Depending on the direction pressed, the leap will be angled differently.
- When landing, hold the jump key to spring up higher. Hold down to stifle the bounce.
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Last Modified - December 15th, 2013 | Established - December 15th, 2013