On-line Outlets
The many merchandise of the Mad Goblin is managed through this portal. From here, you can reach any of the shops to find any of the products you're looking for.
Various tees featuring various characters, including Squeaky Bogg, Roach Geist, Clockwork Coil, the Squish Pod crew, and Hazz-Matt.
The required counterpart to all things peanut butter, only, well, stuffed inside a delicious pastry... and he happens to not be that all, but he is related to them! Jedo is the number two Monster because, after all, he has to be.
Get the most up-to-date group picture of all thirty-some monsters on one shirt! There's so many, one is bound to be your favorite.
Find any products or clothing you could imagine with this cuddly ball of fuzz! Shirts, mugs, caps, stickers, magnets, thongs, it's all here!
Chochi, Pebu's equally huggable and delicious brother, also has a wide variety of products and wares. So, if you're more a chocolate addict than a nut head, check it out!
Lean, clean, and white, Posu is yet another in the growing family of monsters to strike it out on their own. Show him some love, folks. Smack 'em on yer body.
Fat, slow moving, and wide, all these characteristics make Macre one of the most lovably adorable Monsters yet. Just take a look into those eyes and try to say you don't love 'em.
The shirt that started it all. Find the original Monsters picture on a wide variety of shirts and apparel. Also, there's some with Pebu by his adorable self.
Can't find your favorite?
Well, change that fact! Drop me a request to make one of your choice and I will. Seriously! Just make sure to take the "no spam" part out of the address. 'Cuz, well, yeah...
Last Modified - 08/22/11 | Established - 10/01/06