Hail Kinak,
Kelly and I become good friends after that entire Golem incident. Since the Gym Leader is busy in a battle, I patiently waited for the fight to end.
"YOU FIEND, LET ME IN! I WANNA FIGHT YOU, COWARD!" I screamed while violently beating on the door.
"Calm down, you can't get in," Kelly mentioned. "The battle should only last another three days. You can prepare in that time." Her voice of reason brought me to my senses.
"You're right. I'll pick on one of these other guys waiting to fight him," I said. My mouth arched, "That'll ruin their confidence." I singled out a rather young trainer. He didn't seem to know what he was doing. "Hey, small fry, you challenging the Gym Leader?"
"Yeth ah am," he tried to say.
"Aww, do you think you can beat him? I heard he's tough," I told the munchkin.
"Ah can beet anyone," the child triumphantly declared.
"You think so, ah? Well, do you think you can be me?" He nodded. "Alright then."
He threw out a rather shrimpy looking Rattata. Mooky, my Mankey, jumped forward. Towering over the vermin, it squealed in terror. With one mighty stroke of his arm, the rodent was sent flying away. Next he tossed out a Caterpie. It shot some pathetic attempt of a String Shot and was easily kicked away.
"I win," I casually said. Tears began to gather in the child's eyes as he ran off. "Poor sap. Heh heh heh."
"Now that was just mean," Kelly pointed out.
"I did that kid a favor. His Pokemon could of been much more badly wounded by the Gym Leader. I merely roughed them up a little."
The child returned to the doors later, but with something unexpected. His older brother was being lead straight towards me. His much, much older brother.
"What? You like to pick on little kids? Punk! How would you like it if someone bigger than you wanted to pick a fight? Huh? Let's find out." From his Pokeball rose a massive Tentacruel. It's shadow loomed over me. I stared at it in complete terror, but then a smile grew on my face. I lifted a Pokeball from by belt and throw it into battle. From it rose my Cubone. Skull seemed even smaller than before when compared to the monstrous jellyfish.
"Ha! You fool," he taunted. The battle began. Quickly, Tentacruel launched cannons of water at the small creature. It leapt about dodging the water blasts. One hit would mean certain doom for it. All the while, Cubone had its eyes locked onto the Tentacruel's. They never left each other. Soon, it began to work. The staring began to break the jellyfish's concentration, and soon only saw the deep gaze of the Cubone.
Without any warning, Skull leapt forward, bone raised. It came crashing down into the Tentacruel's soft flesh. It had completely lost all sense of the battle during the spectral stare of Skull. This technique had become his specialty. The single blow sent his Pokemon to the ground unconscious. Skull triumphantly stood over the fallen opponent.
As the red light withdrew the Pokemon, I called out to the child and his brother, "By the way, in answer to your question: I like it a lot!" The two slinked away while Kelly and I laughed with the rest of the gathered trainers.
From the desk of Jackdaw