Pokémon Fanatic Fiction
Chronicles of Jackdaw
Tue, 13 Jun 2000
Hail Kinak,
I make it to the Cerulean Gym a little early but eventually go on to challenge Misty. Before I do this, however, I trained my Pokemon a little more.
Just as I left the wilderness with Kelly, I came upon a wild Persian. I didn't want one, but I figured Mooky could get some experience from it. As my pig monkey jumped out, the fancey cat had already begun slashing away at him.
The feline screech a deafening sound, but mankey braved through it and delivered a powerful kick to its stomach. It flinched in pain giving him time enough to scratch up its face. Unexpectedly, the cat countered with a devastating slash. This badly wounded Mankey. As severe blood was lost, he made one final effort. With a quick chop to its head, he knocked the Persian out. I quickly retreated him and brought him to the Poke Center for treatment, and then went on to Misty.
From the desk of Jackdaw
Pokemon and Pokemon characters are property of Game Freaks, Creatures, and Nintendo. I did not make them nor do I take credit for them. However, most characters and various other things included in this fanatic fiction are of my creation, so hands off!
Last Modified - 4/25/02 | Established 4/25/02