Hail Kinak,
Realizing that I owned a Dratini, I decided I should name it Bogg and train it some. I take two Pokeballs from my shop and head to the outskirts of Stone Town, like usual, and try to find a weak enough Pokemon for it to handle. I didn't. Instead, I found a Charmander.
"Charmander? You suck," I told the fire lizard. It appeared to be affended by my words and started growling at me. "Oh, great. Now I've done it. Cinder, get 粗m!" My faithful eevee dashed out and rammed the lizard full force. It had no idea I had even begun battling it. Recovering from its shock, it spit tongues of flame at my Eevee. He jumped from the ground to dodge each flame, and each time he landed, he'd scuff the ground. A cloud now covered the area my eevee was standing at, and the Charmander was puzzled. It ventured closer to see if he was still there. With a stream of fire from its mouth, it cleared away the dust to reveal nothing. Of course, Cinder had just creeped through the tall grass and was now at his opponent's back side. In another forceful leap, he came upon the lizard and began to kick it rapidly.
The Charmander was pinned on its back to the earth, and Cinder stood atop it holding it down while he attacked it. Although he was hurting it, it was not enough. The Charmander started to roar at my eevee fiercely. He got scared and jumped off, freeing the lizard. It quickly got to its feet and sprayed a thick blanket of smoke at Cinder. It was using his tricks against him. Cinder began to panic in the wall of smoke and lunged out in all directions to try and find his mark. He failed in doing this as jets of fire were hurled from the fire lizard's mouth at him. Most of the flames missed since the lizard could see him as much as he could see it. Finally calming down, Cinder used his witts. He concentrated on what direction the flames were heading at him and focased deeply.
Meanwhile, the Charmander had stopped its fiery assault on the cloud to catch its breathe. During this short pause, Eevee dashed out and crashed once again into the lizard. He turned his body to snap his tail at it, cracking it like a whip, leaving a stinging pain behind. The lizard lengthened its claws and struck out violently. Both scored deep wounds on the Eevee. Wincing in pain, he watched his own blood trickle down his flank. A deadly blaze could actually be seen bursting from his eyes. The Charmander looked at its blood stained claws and swiftly placed them behind its back giving an innocent look and grin. Cinder didn't buy this.
In a fit of rage, eevee lashed out at the Charmander in anyway it could. No tooth or nail was spared in the daemonic frenzy of blows. Many wounds found the lizard before it just gave out and collapsed. This did not stop Cinder, though. I had to recall it back to its ball just to keep the fire lizard alive. Thinking of not wasting its life, I dropped a Pokeball on it...
But there as still the pressing matter of Dratini. Bogg needed to be trained, so I searched for another Pokemon to battle. It took a while, but I found one. Through the darkness of the night, I saw a...
"Bulbasaur?" I moaned in disappointment. "Not again? Why am I finding such trash?!" It must have heard my insult and charged me. Luckily, Bogg was poised for battle. It uncoiled from at my feet and sprung at the enemy. The strange seed did not spot my Pokemon, and was slightly surprised. Bogg slithered under its barge and coiled herself around it. Slowly tightening her grip, the bulbasaur cried out. The noise scared Dratini, but she kept her hold true. It tried to struggle free, but to no avail.
Finally, it just bit her. Oh, the horror of seeing my precious Dragon getting bit my that filthy beast. Bogg retaliated with a stern look. She peered deep into its eyes. The beast became motionless as its very mind, its very soul was pierced by her eyes of jet. Like black pearls in the midnight sky, her sparkling eyes kept on the strange seed. It never once winced after this, even though Bogg slow began to constrict the beast. As soon as internal bleeding began, it was knocked back to its senses. It summoned all of its strength and broke from its confinement. It launched a thrashing vine from its bulb that flailed the Dragon many times. She braved the attacks as if they bounced off her hide.
Seeing that is current stategy was a failure, it fired a small seed from its back. Knowing no good could come from it, she squirmed out of the way. The seed erupted into a mess of tubers which streched out over the ground, draining the grass brown. In a quick act, Bogg swung her small tail and slapped the bulbasaur's face. She did this again and again while it stuck with bladed leaves. They were, of course, futile like the previous attempts. For a last act, Bogg seized the beast in a last squeeze until it passed out. Recalling her, I tossed a ball at the Bulbasaur.
From the desk of Jackdaw