Dream Land Fanatic Fiction
Who is Shadow Shar?

Many terrors and wrongs were spread across Dream Land from the many visits of the essence of evil. As the horrid dread was dismantled by the pink savior and banished until another day, its abysmal being was fragmented. While the hero defeated the black core time and time again, a few splinters from its cursed form survived and descended to the world below. There, they tainted the land and inhabitants alike, spawning new creatures and beings. These came to be known as the Seeds of Dark Matter.
Shadow Shar, as is his full and lesser-used name, is such an ill-fated offspring. While his inherent nature is maligned, the actual person is not too concerned with the whole global enslavement, overlording, and domination scene. A hand will be lent to his brethren in times of need since he believes in helping family, but schemes are never really delved into on his personal time. He is a workday villain, as it would be.
Shar is a squat Dream Lander with a slightly egg-shaped body of a warm gray color. His arms are rounded nubs that protrude from either side. His feet are short and round, too. A beady pair of eyes rests at the front of his face, each stark white. A distinct, white "X" marking is emblazoned over the top of his head. The lower bounds of the insignia cross over his eyes, one to each side. Similar bands wrap half way around the top of each arm and over each orange foot.
Physically, Shar is not extraordinary. He is not light on his feet nor does he jump high or have impressive strength. He has never taken to the sky, either, due to getting airsick easily, although he does consider himself a gifted swimmer, which it is well known how useful that is. One decent credit to his name is his durability. Years as a misfit in the middle of a war have gifted him with a high threshold for punishment. It is not shrugged off without a care, but it does take a bit more to bring him down.
As with all Seeds, Shar has a connection with Dark Matter and other things from the shadows. He has an instant awareness of his fellow black spawns and a basic empathy as well. Situated in the shade, he has naturally attuned a high degree of night vision.
Shar's weapon of choice is his innate energy, called Abysmal X Energy. A burst of evil force is projected from his facial branding and only will survive for a short distance. Upon contact, the parasitic pulse turns the targets' own energy against themselves, erupting in a miniature X-shaped explosion. While the ordeal is draining to the host of the assault, the true damage is done collaterally to those in the reach of the aftermath. Outside of that, he does not bring anything to battle, secretly hoping that matters never escalate to that point.
Kirby and related characters are property of HAL Laboratories, Inc., etc.
Last Modified - September 13th, 2007 | Established - April 1st, 2007