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Encyclopedia Bimblesnaff: Stretcho
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Encyclopedia Bimblesnaff: Stretcho

The elongating big boss slime.

Entry: Stretcho
Series: Blob
Origin: Blob
Generation: 1st
Created: c. 1992

The friend turned foe who waits at the end of the forest. Once the kind, older brother of Slimie, Stretcho was Sinistericated into evil ways. When in the final showdown, he launches himself out from his anchored position and weaves around trunks trying to get at Blob, hoping to trap the good slime between his body before he runs out of parts to stretch. After being knocked back to his senses, he passes on the skill of Improved Slime Fist which stretches twice as far.


Stretcho has changed the least out of the slimes, I'd have to say. Honestly, he has had no visual improvements over the years made. The only modification he has received is being turned into the brother of Slimie, which just seemed to make sense.

Last Updated - June 29th, 2008 | Established - June 29th, 2008