Let's Talk
Everyone is an idiot.
While I have always known this, and often professed it, I have been especially reminded of the matter within the last few months. In particular, I refer to matters of debate, namely of the more political nature.
Now, I by no means claim myself to be a victim of political affiliation, despite always being called a "Republican", mostly as a derogatory term, but, I would assume, my views fall as conservative. This is not the matter, however.
Since these debates grow large usually before I get a chance to contribute once, but, when I do, I make my presence known with a lengthy and complete explanation that is unable to be countered by any statement which would normally end the subject there and then. Of course, this is always ignored, even upon repeating, and the back-and-forth continues.
I have learned that, when drawn into a topic of "intelligent discussion", I do not find myself taking stake in what I believe and know to defend it, no. Instead, I find myself choosing a side purely based on the fact that I hate the other side's line of reasoning more than the prior. It's very black and white: On one side will always be the hippy-liberals who wouldn't know ethics if it beat them over the head with their guitars. On the other hand, you have the blind religious zealots who claim to follow guidelines set in a book that they have never bothered to actually read.
There is another group, but its too slim to even be called by such for that would indicate a higher number than one. This, of course, is educated middle men, which normally consists of myself. I find myself a wayfarer one the battlefield. On some instances, I'm hurling rocks at those who think evolution is entirely false and that man coexisted with dinosaurs, but, sometimes at the same time, I'll explaining how, if you take a life, regardless of age, it's still murder. I can barely understand why people force themselves to one side of this biased war in classification when neither side is wholly correct.
No one, at all, knows how to debate in the slightest. They toss around frivolous and near off-topic tidbits that add nothing and lead nowhere. And this is both sides. Both are such complete morons that I wonder how even got past the 1st grade. They never listen to anything that is said, and just keep on ranting on about how they are right while not providing anything solid to justify such.
This is why I have learned since no one listens to any points you make on your cause, you must destroy theirs. It's a simple matter of scientific deducing process: Nothing can really be proven true, just proven wrong, and something will be regarded as true until disproven. Hence, I prove they are dead wrong at every turn while my argument remains flawless. I throw in a large, well-put statement that refutes the wronger side with facts, not opinions, and then promotes the remaining side with facts again. This, of course, still doesn't work, but it does get the fence sitter's attention, at least.
Opinions are a funny thing. Everyone (typically hippies) seems to think if they "feel" something, that it means a crap. Dead wrong. Wrong to the max. Also, they always accuse people of not being "open-minded", of course, rather than use the definition of "being receptive to ideas", they seem to think it means "being accepting of anything". Ironically, in their course reasoning, they are usually the ones who are the least open-minded.
Another thing I "love" is group mentality. When I'm one-on-one with someone, I can generally always sway or severally tear their whole belief system asunder. This is not through brain warping or persuasion of some kind through the isolation of any kind, however. It is merely since I can focus and respond to that individual accordingly. When groups are about, however, everyone just bombards me with, of course, trivial crap of questions or statements. None of it means anything, and I should ignore it and stay focused on the matter at hand. However, if I do this, then they say, "See? He doesn't know! Hitler!" That hasn't happened any time recently, but, back in the day, I use to get bombed with comparison to the Fuhrer, largely for no reason, until kicked from the room (not for being Hilter-esque, but since the op would want everyone else to shut up). Additionally, even when trying to confront someone solo, they feel the need to drag others into it. Not to help out, but just to say, "Isn't he stupid? Let's laugh at his more-intelligent-than-mine reasoning and deductions!" Which, they do, and flood with crap, not even necessarily directed at anyone. Just crap. It bogs down reading speed with word sifting times and eventually I fatigue from typing responses to their nonsense and just give up.
Of course, I only try hard when its a matter of global concern. If it’s ever something that solely effects personal health and safety, I just say to myself, "Well, I don't care if they live or die. Why bother?"