Reasons Why
I love the reasons for my beliefs and actions. Most people base them on what they were taught, what they know, or just what they feel. Well, okay, I do use those factors when forming opinions (or, really, just facts), but there is a larger, more determinate factor that is none of those, and it is merely such: How stupid are the people behind a certain belief?
Forget what's better, what's true, or what's right, I have found that the most influential factor is how idiotic the majority of people are that hold an opinion in a certain factor, thus allowing me to pick the opposing view. It works wonders. Here's an example:
There is no soul. Sadly, one said moron actually tried to prove this "scientifically". How? Well, he said that most people think the soul is a little person inside of you, and, since there is no such thing, there must not be a soul. ... Yeah, okay, there's a soul. That's just amazingly stupid. I could get a signed certificate from the Big Man Upstairs himself that said, "Nope, souls don't exist" and would have to ignore it. I mean, who thinks the soul is a little person? Sheer anger alone would make me say, "Sooouls forever!"
Of course, that is just the hilarious example. The flawless decision making process has effected a lot of life altering decisions along the way. A good one is smoking. The unsurmountable folly to this tale forced me to sway away from any drug that even could produce smoke. I mean, it's bad (not smoke, the moron in the anecdote, tho' smoke is pretty bad, too).
Some time in the eighth grade, my class had a big, overnight field trip to a campsite. At night, of course, some "cool kids" were going to go off and smoke some cigarettes. Some one I had vague familiarity with was going to go with them. Before he did, I just wanted to know, despite having knowledge of the several health risks and such, why he would do such a thing. To cut out the emo crap, he blabbed on about his family and general home life sucking. "And, what? Smoking will make that all go away?" I rhetorically asked him. He didn't see it that way. "Yes." He actually answered, "yes." He looked me straight in the eyes and said yes. I almost died then and there. Health and logic can take the back seat now for I'm driven by not being affiliated with this abhorrible ration. I mean, smoking solving all problems when it obviously has no affect on any of those? No. Stupid. Away. This is the caliber of intellect I see in any wisp of smoke from now on, and it makes me want to vomit without having to smell it.
Then, years later, came another soul shattering moment when I realized the follies of humanity, sometime in high school. Home room in art class was using the dead time to play a base and sad game: Would you sleep with someone you never would if it meant you could sleep with whoever you wanted? "Never would" typically meant "same gender" since the contestants were straight. That, or someone like me (joy, I'm involved -_-). As I crafted clay (most likely) while they piddled away time, the "host" of the game (the most burned out chick I've ever met, and I don't even think she even scored on thing. Vapid!) eventually came to me. Immediately, I rejected the proposal, but she told me to at least consider the possibility. "There's nothing to consider. It doesn't have to with what has to be done, it has to do with what is gained. I don't want someone, anyone, for nothing more than carnal indulgence. I'm better than that." And, with that, I broke her brain. Apparently, the concept of not being a lust driven dog was some unknown feat to her. That, or she did not know what it meant to be "better than" something. I wouldn't put it past the latter, either. Oh, and what opinion was forever altered by that event? Why, the one where I had faith in humanity. Gone forever.
The list goes on. Here's another fun one that can apply to so many factors: "So, you support this issue? You are aware that it makes no sense politically, economically, biologically, rationally, logically, or even morally?" "Yes." "Then... why do you support it?" "Because it makes sense socially."
... Yeah. Now that's what I call a moron. Obviously, I'm the one spouting reason in the discussion. I mean, isn't social acceptance based upon the points I brought up? Well, apparently not, and thus why society sucks. Oy.