Knowledge is a powerful ally to have. What follows is information that is useful to know or impossible to know otherwise in the game. It is divided into three sections: Hints & Tips, Reveals, and Secrets. Hints & Tips are minor advice and insight to game mechanics to help you better strategize through. Reveals are facts that obvious in the game but may not be found out as easily. Secrets are down right unknown cheats, codes, and other such tricks.
Scoring & Clear Bonus
The amount of points earned is directly tied to what stage you are in. This is reflected in points earned when defeating a foe and completing a stage. Shooting one still only earns one point, meaning that killing a foe becomes more necessary to maintain a higher score.
The stage number also affects the Clear Bonus. Five times the stage number is earned for each time interval the level was completed in. This value starts at 5 counts and doubles for each bonus earned, meaning a maximum of six boni can be earned with 160 counts left.
Meeting the bonus requirement at a clearing of a stage awards an addition life. This begins at 50 points and rises. Just like score, it increases as you progress. The bar is raised by fifty fold the current stage, meaning it increases by increments of 50 points at Stage 1 but 500 at Stage 10. So, while points come easier later one, they do less good. You have to improve your game to meet the needs.

Chargers & Energy Types
Known to store energy, the Charge Station is a common sight throughout the dungeon. However, it does more than absorb your shot, flash, and open doors. They have a wide variety of actions and reactions that are spelled out here.
The energy types have a specific order that they follow. A stronger energy type will convert a weaker on into its type. This can be useful or disruptive. The order from weakest up is: Green, Violet, Orange, Blue, Nega, & White.
Green Energy is the basic charge type. The standard shot applies this as do most Specials. It damages enemies who step upon it and, when enough chargers are powered with, it opens Doors.
Violet Energy is speed energy. It has only one source, the Turbo Boost. When a platform is crossed while speeding, the gain is both increased and lengthened in duration. Crossing multiple at once can lead to a long sprint. If a foe has contact with it, they freeze.
Orange Energy is defensive force. It repulses foes, throwing them far away. It is generated by protective Specials such as the Force Shield and Orbit Ring.
Blue Energy is a powerful and volatile force accessed with destructive power. Not only is the platform more powerful than the lesser variety but it casts off attacks of its own. These are only strong enough to kill the weakest of foes, Tentas and Shynak. The Guided Missile, Plasma Rain, and Umber Crawl discharge this force.
Nega Energy, or Red, is created largely by enemies but also the Leech Blast. Touching one damages you just like touching an enemy. Additionally, they block attacks made by you and throw off Push Blocks.
White Energy is perfection. Also, it does not exist as no function has been thought for it yet. Whoops!
While this soda with guarana was discontinued on Earth, the Squishes managed to boost a shipment and have been enjoying the red nectar of the gods for some time. Even still, it is very, very rare. They only start to even appear past Stage 10. Getting a can does everything: points, power, invulnerability, even extra time!
Fire Breath
After defeating the Dotugan, it leaves behind a unique Super Pick-Up that allows you to use its fiery breath yourself. While extremely powerful, it is not as versatile as other Specials Plus, once you lose it, you can never get it back.
Beat the Boss
Sure, the Bosses are big and intimidating, but each has a weakness. The beans are spilled here!
Opruk: With so many holes, it's hard to know where it will come from. Luckily, its options can be limited by filling in the pits. This lets it be more predictable. If all of the holes are filled in (tedious, I know.), then it turns into a sitting target.
Lavetto: Charging the surrounding stations is known to be a way to get it down to earth, but other energy types bring it down faster. Don't just rely on green, hit it with some blue or orange, too.
Gonatich: It has several parts which translates into several weaknesses. Take out the eye to disable its Doom Wave attack. Also, for each tentacle blown out, its speed drops. Get your priorities straight and then go in for the kill.
Title Screen Options
Hidden fun is to be found on the title screen! Try hitting these keys to unlock a nutty function.
Space Bar: Demo Room. Enter a room full of one of everything to test out play and mess around.
Shift: Stage Warp. Go to any stage you desire. Just punch in a number and find yourself there. Skip over that boring crap at the start.
Control: Hard Mode. If the game wasn't hard enough already, unlock Blob for play. See its own entry for more.

Blob - Hard Mode
Blob was the character from my first attempt at a computer game. "Game" is used loosely as there were no game mechanics and it largely consisted of moving around a cut out image in a Paint file. Out of guilt for not giving him the honor of "First Game Made", I included him as a bonus play.
Blob handles worse than Squish does. He is slower and doesn't stop as fast. Also, his attacks are weaker and more limited. He cannot do thing as easily.
Slime Punch: His basic attack, it only travels a short distance before returning to Blob. He can only attack again once it comes back. It has low power and cannot even charge stations. It can, however, sap power out of a charged station. It can take a Green Station and revert it to normal while recharging the Power Bar some.
Ooze Blast: His only special, this hurtled shot can damage foes, but its power is still low. This is his only means of charging stations.
Blob Pick-Ups: These special items have his likeness. They are the only type of Pick-Up he can find as he cannot use any other Specials. Every time one is collected, his overall power is increased. His punch goes further and faster while the blast gets stronger. His level can increase by two for each stage visited.
Slime Sword: Once five Blob Pick-Ups are collected, this upgrade can be accessed. It is not a new attack but an alteration to pre-existing attacks. Change it like changing a Special. It allows his attacks to cut through enemies but also increases the cost and recharge time.
Sludge Hammer: When ten have been gathered, attacks can be switched out to be more heavy hitting. This increases damage and stun time to foes. Like the other, it increases the cost and recharge.
Cross Special: With fifteen power ups, the two can be used at the same time. This raises the cost increases double, so it is not best to use all the time.
Since he cannot easily charge stations, Blob must stand upon a lit charger for a set amount of time. After the period passes, it will make a sound indicating that it has been set and the next platform can be moved to.
Last Modified - September 21st, 2007 | Established - September 21st, 2007