The Venom Gym
The RE League: A network of Pokémon Fans' websites that host their own communities, towns, and gyms, just like in the RPG. Catch, train, and fight your very own by signing up if you haven't already. For those of you who have, then dare to dwell through the Venom Forest.
Long ago...
Since ancient times, a piece of Mother Earth was left unscathed by human hands. Wedged between great mountains and the sea, life flourished in the lush jungles untouched for eons. Then, man discovered the lost paradise and brought his destruction to it. The Spirit of the Forest would not allow this and fought against its invaders. Its peaceful and dolice nature turned vile as all within its spread were tranformed into living weapons, crawling with twisted thorns and bladed warriors. Armed with killer instinct and the most leathful of toxins known to this world, the Forest won and reverted to its original state. That is, all but a fraction, which the Forest, lacking the heart to destroy her abominations, caged the fierce guardians in a garden of barbs, ready to defend their world once more if needed. However, the seeds of the Forest's doom were already planted...
Land Across the Sea...
Deep in the heart of woodlands, unbeknownst from its borders, lies the corruption of humanity. Used as a storage hold for their deadly wastes and toxic evils, the surroundings were soon blighted and warped. The Spirit of the Forest used her blessing to contain the disaster and prevent it from infecting the rest of her domain for as long as she was able. Tranquility and safety once again returned to its inhabitants. Sadly, with her efforts consumed in the task of saving the realm from annilation within, she was powerless to protect it from outside. Man once again could penetrate her defenses to plunder her resourses and abuse her land, but this was nothing in the shadow of what was to come. It was the Dawn of the Great Catastophe...
Legend of the Gilded Jewel...
The sky was blackened by the heavenly assault. Much of the world was destroyed by its force. Fate chose to spare the Forest Godess, and she survived the conflict, but she was not left the same. The crisis had angered the sea. Waves rose high over the mountain tops as the tide swept far onto the surface. The many streams and ponds on the Forest's floor had spilt over. This blanket of water ran into its tainted core and carried the poisons within throughout the swamp. The pestilence crept through the Forest, and, slowly, it is dying...
That which will come...
What does the future hold? ...

Choose a Time and Enter the Venom Gym
Just how good of a trainer is the Venom Gym Leader? Find out, though it will take a while...
Established 2/28/00