Picture Book
Sofa vs. Recliner

"Hey! That's our sofa. We were totally using it! Give it back!"
"And how, exactly, do you define 'using'? All of you guys are piled over there and were completely ignoring this sofa."

"It was deflated, dusty, and forgotten while just a few steps away from you guys. You could see it all this time, and still you just let it lay unused-"

"Is that a guy a can of soda?"
"I'm new Orange Zero soda! All of the artificial coloring you love in an orange soft drink with none of the unsettling citrus taste. That's Orange Zero: Ditch the Flavor!"

"Just... just ignore this. We needed to take on a sponsor, for reasons I'm not quite certain of. It's the best we could manage."
"Don't cover the label! Orange Zero! You'll buy me 'cuz I'm advertised, baby!"

"That... bewildering buffoonery aside, you guys weren't using this couch in any way, so now I am. I mean, it's not like your name is on it or anything."

Last Updated March 1st, 2012 | Established March 1st, 2012