Picture Book
Sofa vs. Recliner

"I think the main point is that just because the sofa was collapsed and ignored for years on end doesn't mean that we weren't making good use of it."

"I mean, we are doing stuff. It may just seem like we aren't and are always lazing about since one of us is a goo puddle who has to fight gravity to stand up right."

"... zzz... zzz..."
"... Well, okay... That's normally the case."

"What? Are you guys still going on about this? It's been over two minutes! I thought some five-bit distraction would have captured your interest by now."

"Oo, it's sooo shiny. Shinier than even me!"
"My turn! My turn! You've had it enough."

"Hey, wait. What are you doing with that hammer? What are you doing to our sofa?"
"It ... looks the same, actually. Why would you even hammer furniture?"
"Yeah, that's how it would appear. On the outside it's the same crummy upholstry, but inside is a new robotic core to make it twice as couchy."

"What the-? Who is that guy? When did he get there?"
"Huh? ... Oh, him? Just ignore him. I brought in some outside help to get those inner mechanics working since I'm not above asking for aid when in over my head. So, yeah, pay 'im no heed. He doesn't want to make waves, just help."

"I'm doing this for the children! So... where are they?"
Last Updated March 1st, 2012 | Established March 1st, 2012