Picture Book
Sofa vs. Recliner

"I don't think you guys are making use of that sofa properly."
"Hmm? What's that?"

"W-what? When did all of those people get there? I don't know any of those guys."

"Huh... well, we're still cool, right?"
* chew chew chew *
"... dammit..."

"Are you still talkin' over there? I can't hear you. Things are picking up over at the sofa. Pah-tay!"

"Gotta admit, it looks pretty fun over there."
"Yeah, well, we have cool stuff, too! ... Right?"

"Aww, nuts."
"Hey, a new fly replaced the dead one!"
Last Updated March 1st, 2012 | Established March 1st, 2012