'Tis the season for Fall semester Finals! Unenthusiastic cheer! So, since I'm pretty much studying my brains out, here's an almost worthless update to make it seem like I've been up to something! A ton of AT sprites! In fact, I have so many of those buggers not, I thinks they'll need their own sub-page.
Told ya I'd be updating! Boo-yah! First, I've made a new ranting, which is my first to attack a large corporation! Second, even though you probably already noticed it, I have a X-Mas splash image up for the season.
Whoo! I just beat out the "Month-without-an-Update" limit with almost no time to spare! Sorry 'bout that, but my current semester of college is wrapping up, I had lots of tests, I have lots of tests to come, and there was family issues up the poop chute! (That's right, I said a very lame term. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?) Anyhoo, as a sorta maybe update, I've made more stupid little sprites for AT, which is coming back... again... again. I have a couple of other updates ready for the up go laying around, too, so more should come shortly... seriously. Oh, the Sketch page, which was on Web1000, lost its hostability, so now I signed up for a new thing and should have them back up (updated, too) this weekend. Hooray?
Hey, new splash page! Ain't it cool? ... Okay, so it's not, but that's the best you get this week. I'm very tired and/or lazy. Take your pick.
How many sketches can be put into one update? Well, this week's magic number is three. Neat, no? Aaand... that's it. I'm tired today. So, nothing else. Go. Skat. Don't make me get my broom!
Hey, all, I'ma home from college this weekend, sooo... nothing scanned this week. I don't have my normal tools and am not going to start using new ones now. Anyhoo, so this week I felt like making a well overdue ranting. I hope it pisses a lot of you off! Speaking of rants, I learned today that none of the links worked! Not to fear, now you can actually read them. Also, it's come to my knowledge that some people cannot view my sketches. This is because I have them hosted on Web1000 (for space limitation purposes) and, well, the website is slightly known for being... pr0nographic o_O I don't have pr0n, but any computer set to block it will deny access to the site since it recognizes the IP as being offensive. So... I'm looking into getting them moved somewhere else... Okay, I lied, I'm not. I'm watching cartoons. They're great.
Wow, this is gonna become a stuck repetition fast... Two more sketch pages were added (shocko!) In addition, the background was altered since the last update. I just didn't like the way I had it stuck to the side only. It was all like, "So... not right." Therefor, I rehashed it... if that's even a proper terminology. Yeah.
More update than you can shake a dead primate at! And there was gonna be more, but I was lazy! Sketches o' plenty, a new, Halloween splash, and a background... Yeah. Well, I guess it's not that much, but it's still a good haul. I was gonna write some more junk for things, but I spent too much time editting these pics, so, enjoy! ... or DIE!
Well, yeah, I got some crummy sketch page up and now you can actually view the sketches, but no one cares about that. Has anyone heard about Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children? If you haven't, shame on you. If you have and don't care, get out of my site. I mean, this is the greatest thing to happen since... well, FFVII itself. I love that game. RedXIII and Cait Sith rule all!
Stuff accomplished! Shockle! First, I fixed the unorganized-ness of the Most Recent Box, it was slightly screwy. Second, I got two new pages of sketches up. Some Indian chick gave them the OK (seriously, one did. it's a funny story. i'll not tell you some time). Also, about three more sketches were commented... Yeah?
Hey, look at that! Phantastical Ventures can be updated! It may take a season, but it finally did. I also kinda changed the coloring... due to it being ugly and stuff. Additionally, NQH, this week only, will be only on three days this week, but really two of the comics are gonna be Super Sized Strips, which is a fancy way of saying double. Well, that's it unless I get around to scanning some other stuff.
Whoa, college is really sucking a lot... of my time. Luckily, two happenstances shall be ... happening. Yeah. First to note, I made 4 new AT graphics. Why? I don't know, but I felt like it, so there. Second, I should have two pages of sketches up soon (they aren't scanned yet, but I'm pretty sure they'll be up before the days end). With the slim time I have between classes, I've been throwing out my usual ideas into an easily scannable sketch pad. ... Okay, so it's a standard, lined yellow tablet, but it still gets the job done. And, to give hopelessness more spread, here's some almost meaningless boasts: I'm gonna try to do a mild graphics overhaul for the site, seeing how it's been like this since late May, and complete things that I've had laying around unfinished (REL Gym, Phantastical Ventures, oy). So, you know, all that and a barrel of monkeys*.
* Note: barrel and/or monkeys may not exist.
Later: Sketches are up. Additionally, I've fixed a link error occuring in all the doodles. Gee, thanks for pointing that out to me earlier... jerks!
Believe it or not, update! It's a real, fake doozy, too. Six random doodles I made at work found their way to being posted on my site (wow!). Speaking of work, it's over! Speaking of suck (which I am now), college starts now! I just can't win ;_;
Well, the last however long sure has been a load of butt! Aside from my only uncle unfortunately passed away, have three grandparents hear death's wings, and last with little sanity left, my home computer computer gets hit by that blaster worm dealie on top of there being a massive power outage! Dang, that's a crazy while. And, you ask (probably not), why are you saying all this? Is this an excuse for not updating the site? Well, um, sure. Why not. Anyhoo, today, I've put out ten more of those terrible- I mean, delightful sketches from ages of yore (which was maybe two or three years ago, tops).
... What? Oh, yeah. I am probably suppose to make updates at my site. Well, how about I throw up two more of those fun sketches that I do at work? No? Not good enough? Well, then... nuts to you.
A lazy update for today, I'm afraid. First, I'd like you to note that the NQH schedule is being changed to weekdays rather than its previous two per week schedule. This, of course, is excitement for NO ONE. Second, or lastly, I've thrown up some doodles I made at work. They aren't really much, but they look neat. Kinda.
LS, B III, Epilogue. It's up and pimping. Read it. Right now. This will be the only update until past the week end, for I'm going to my grandparents for a famility reunion, and they don't have computers. Heck, electricity came to their area in there life time, so I'm thankful for that. Later.
Hey, did you wonder why I didn't say that Lost Soul, Book III ended five days ago? Well, that's because it didn't end. Now, anyone who read it is probably thinking, "What? How can that be?" But, after three years, five months, and one day, the saga of Lost Soul draws to its final end. This is it, folks, the last chapter. I'll be making my usual epilogue/author comments sometime soon, but, yeah... it's over. Doesn't seem to important if you've read it and know it sucks, though, huh? By the by, NQH 2nd Year Anniversery is in twenty days! Will I be doing anything for it? Not really. Why do I mention it? Because! That's why.
It finally came. After nearly an entire month of waiting, the two of you that probably read Lost Soul finally gets a ninth chapter. Hu-zah! Now, pointless rambling: I still have a job! Shocked? I am! It's eating up all my time, and I haven't even gotten a pay check from there yet (lousy office upstairs in charge of doing stuff bungled the paper work, so it was delaid more then it should have been). Seriously, though, I'm trying not to let it affect me making stuff for my sight, but, well... you know who that goes. What? You don't? Oh... good for you... jerk.
I finally got off my lazy bum to fix that error from the picture sizes. Now, the pictures are on Web1000, for they are less stindgy with file sizes. Anyhoo, now for more covering on my laziosity: Recently, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of getting a job. Five days a week, eight hours, I do the most tedious work known to man. How do I know so? Because my entire job is doing things that the other people where I work don't feel like doing, and what they do is boring enough! Anyhoo, twenty sketches is nothing to sneeze at... so... yeah. Be glad with that. ... and do not hate me... please?
Hey, remember those ugly sketches I put up some time ago? Well, now you can read the methods behind my ugly as I have added commentaries to all of the sketches telling who they are, why they are, and why they shouldn't be! Check it out! ... or I'll cry!
Yeah, that should be all I have to say, but, upon further inspection, NetFirms apparently does not want anything I do to work properly. Again, most of the pictures are borderline to their required max size and won't be displayed. When I first tested to see this, I randomly chose one that did work, and assumed that, since all were about the same size or smaller, that they would work, too. Boy, do I hate this... I'm currently trying to hook them up through a less queer host. Thank you for your patience.
Hey, look everybody! An update! Don't get too shocked, it isn't much of one. I've just recently watched some old cartoons and was thinking a lot about them, so I decided to rant about it, know? So, enjoy my boring- er, exciting complaints- er, useful observations... yeah... smooth.
Hey, guess what? Update! Whoo! Aren't these sure constent? ... yeah, that was sarcasm! Seriously, tho', I've got the eighth chapter to the Lost Soul saga up today. Not much more until the end (thank goodness!). So... that's it.
It's the Lair's birthday! Hooray! In celebration, I finally got around to doing some stuff I said I was gonna do months ago! ... Yeah! This includes, and will continue to inclucde as I'll be adding some of these things after I actually make this update, the Sketch Book Gallery and new graphics for the layout. Sound great, right? ... No? Well, screw you!
UPDATE: Due to bloody NF feeling my beautiful files were too large, I'm gonna have to remake a few of them. Frickin' jerks... They'll be done soon, tho'.
MORE UPDATE: Ten sketchs, in addition to the four pics from before, have been added. I'm gonna have to wait to add the rest, as I'm pretty sure I'm pushing my hosting service to the limit right now. So, expect more trash to be paining your eyes soon! Note: all new (resized) graphics have been put up. Pretty, no?
Woo! Another Chapter to Lost Soul! ... It's Seven! And, allow me to appologize about the semi-lateness to this chapter. It really should have been out yesterday, but, well, I could find a way to really end it, so it came out really long... and even then it seems kind of rushed. Well, anyways, don't forget that the party is here, at LoMG, on Friday! Woo! Four years coming soon!
Hey hey, ho ho, Lost Soul Chap Six is in the house! Er, web site. Well, on it, really. It can't really get into it. ... Just read it, okay? I don't really feel like writing something interesting to read here today.
Well, I got up another PV for you all. Yep, as expected, the normal distractions of summer have hampered me just a bit. What are those? No, not sloth and laze, though those are in affect. I speak of sun light. I'm very picky and that dang stuff just makes it hard to write well. Stupid sun. All shiny and stuff. Just begging to be stared at so it can make me blind. It makes me want to puke in rage!
Hey, more stuff! Ain't it swell? The bulk of finals over for me, I can hopefully get some good work done. Phantastical Ventures has added to with the second part of the Blenocla legend. Yippee?
Nearly two years since last active, the in-your-face Rants & Raves have finally made a return. Shoving all the old stuff off into a hole, new, fresh stuff will (hopefully) quickly take its place as the Lair is spurced up in preparation for its fourth year in the insanity business... which is very unprofitable, mind you.
Guess what? The fifth chapter of Lost Soul was finally written! Shock! Who would have thunk it? ... er, and... um... I'm trying out a background for the Phantastical Ventures page. I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it, though.
Hoohah! I'm still cracking the whip on my own back! I've been doing some more cosmetic updates to the site to make it warmer and more friendly. Buy into the illusion of love! For starters, I've added the Most Recent News Box at the top of the page. This allows you to easily see what and when important documents have been updated, not to mention the current minimal schedule for NQH. Keep in mind, the list will grow as I get around to updating the individual pages (Lost Soul and Artwork, for example). Speaking of art, I've found I host that has unlimited memory, which means, if it does in fact prove to not suck, I'll be able to scan my copious amounts of sketches over the years for you to mock, laugh, and/or cry at. Sounds fun, no? Lastly, as the almighty MR Box has already informed you, the Juke Box is back, and in its new format! (yay?) Simply click the link to open a new window and it again to change the song. It's back loading, so don't worry about it getting in the way. Oh, and I've moved my BD familiar to a prettier spot. Ain't he so cute and blood thirsty?
Wow, this has been a slow month. Of course, this should be expected with the end-of-the-semester-final-studying-spree that's been going on. Well, to pick things, I'm introducing a new entire area to the Lair. I call it The Phantastical Ventures! I plan on writing a collection of original folktales/legends until I eventually have enough bits and pieces to construct an entire world's mythology. Since it is mainly just short stories, I plan on getting a massive amount of these up, with any luck, multiple within a week. To give more hope for the future, I plan on reviving the Rants and Raves area, archiving the old ones and starting a list of anything that ticks me off in the slightest. Because, isn't that what the 'net is all about? Hearing what some dateless loser has to complain about that his mother wouldn't listen to? Except in this particular case, I'm not middle-aged and living in my mother's basement. Well, give me few decades. Oh yeah, chances look good for an additional chapter of Lost Soul being written in the immediate future. That, and I threw back up the midi-player, as you no doubt can hear, until I have time to work out a better system for it. Lastly, the fourth anniversery of the Lair is coming up in about one month. There'll be cake! ... Not that you'll be able to eat any of it... Until then, I bid thee fare well.
Oy, has it been not going as planned for me. First, let me state that Lost Soul has been updated, with a fourth chapter finally added to the third book. ... yay. Next, a little explanation for why things have been so slow around hear. First, there's tests from my college classes. They always seem to be annoying placed after the weekend, my prime time for gettin' stuff done on this trash load. Well, that's actually the bulk of it. ... or all of it. Well, last weekend, as I mentioned before, I attended the Cleveland Colassal Con 2. That thing was alright. First, I discovered this really great game that can be found at www.rakgraphics.com called Dragon Wars. It's not a board game, it's not card game, it's both! And boy is it fun. Of course, can you expect less from the man who brought you Chakan, the Forever Man? I thinks not. On top of that, I got to meet a long time goddess of mine, Wendee Lee! If you don't know who she is, then you must not watch much cartoons, in which case you have more of a life than I do. Hm, wait... Well, anyways, once I get my film developed, I probably get a little section going the site devoted to conventions, 'cuz I plan on attending more!
Amazingly enough, I still make these strange things called updates, it just doesn't seem like I make them. Yeah, that's it. Anyhoo, mainly stuff no one will care about. If you haven't noticed, your scroll bar might be colored now. I added that to the style sheets. Also, as a real addition to the sight, a art piece "Master of Illustration '03" was added to the artwork gallery. And, to top off everything, for those of you who have heard of the CCC2, I shall be there! That's right, look for Mad Goblin at the Cleveland Collosal Con 2!!! ... Wee!
Today marks something important happening: An addition to Lost Soul! Shock! The third chapter is finally up after about a month of inactivity. Yeah? Also, an interest factoid I stummbled across while updating, five days ago marked the third year of me writing the fan fic. Can you believe it? I sure was amazed. In other news, if the Fan Fic page was broken, it isn't now. Also, just so you know, the auto-midi playing feature is currently down, for anyone who missed it, but I should be getting something like it up in no time... or a lot of it. Which ever. Oh, and make sure to check out the NQH/TGC crossover, which started yesterday. It's a riot. ... 'cuz other people wrote it.
On this date, madgoblin.com is born! Yippie! In celebration, I have done some layout modifying. Not everything has been fixed up just yet, but its getting there. And, a link to the NQH/TGC shop is up. So, woo!
... er, yeah... Another pause without anything happening. Sorry 'bout that. This weekend was a little busier than most. A visit from my brother pretty much choked up any time that I would normally have left, so... yeah. Nothing really much for this update, but I do happen to have this shiny new background that I was saving for later. See? Ain't it poidy?
Be amazed as I make an update to my site! *shocking!* Know its been a bit longer than usual, but I got the second chapter to LS:R up. And know, some ranting: Well, I'm back at college, meaning that I'll have even less free time than I did. Let's look at what I accomplished from my "Winter Break Plans"- Site remodeling? No. Battling Dungeon updating? No. New monsters for BD? No. Will all of these be coming soon? Yes! Am I probably lying? ... um, no? Truthfully, though, having a rigorous schedule is getting me back in focus. Let's hope the U of T just doesn't give me much trouble this spring.
The first chapter of LS:R is up! Yippee! Read it and pay me homage... or money! ... please?
Okay, a bit slower than expected, but the Prologue of Book Three is finished. I'm gonna try to get actual chapters flying out real soon.
Happy New Year! And to those that still have hangovers: Swift Recovery! First update of a new year (all previous ones have been moved to the archive. so long, suckers!), and I sure hate it. I can already tell this year will suck. Bah. Anyways, as promised, Lost Soul, Book Three: Redemption, is in the works. Of course, right now that is very little work since the computer is being occupied by insomniacs. Oh well, you know more will come swiftly.