12/31/04 - Happy, Drunken New Year's Eve!
Well, this sure has been a lazy month for updating... largely due to not having my special (by which I mean "inferior in quality and totally worthless") computer hooked up. Some non-X-mas related splash was tossed up, some back-logged pics to be tossed at DevART, and many back-logged comics throughout the year. Well, hopefully I'll be able to get wasted and drunkenly enterain my young cousins... that shouldn't be dangerous at all.
12/15/04 - Aaand... There It Goes
Well, I just threw up a new splash page, but, after only a few days, got sick of it and made another one. Rather than that other thing, enjoy "X-mas Nog", a pic I think is much, much better. Also note the new bar image. I decided to make it just cover the whole season that way it won't be out of date for longer. Go, sloth!
12/11/04 - Go, go, sloth!
A new splash, as you should have seen. Nothing fancy, just thrown out, kinda. Also note that the NQH schedule has been "demoted". It will probably start going back to the B & W Notebooks soon, mainly because I have a ton of them built up from the semester but also since I plan to work with Flash rather than paper. Let's hope that pans out.
12/6/04 - Oops.
Well, after saying nothing was done, I got bored of work and wrote up a nice piece of Shadow Aura goodness. And, spruced up the Literature page. I figure I can just output everything from there until more is written for each series.
12/5/04 - Running Late
Something tells me its a little late to be having Halloween images still up... dang, I hate the end-o-the-semester rush of projects and studying. Well, anyhoo, stuffs been a little slow. A nice, "officalized" pic of the Thorn Goblin and what shall officially be the standards of its Nymph, Mature, and Elder Level Ups was made. Probably some sketches. NQH may be absent this week or two, but will be compensated for afterwards. I'd recommend going to RE's Forum and reading some of the stories I've been contributing to there with some of the other board members. Some of its really good, but then, the rest... Just go check it out.
11/20/04 - SA Anniversariffic!
Guess what happened five years ago today? (or about today, at least) Shadow Aura was born! So, as some sort of mock celebration, I wrote up the start of the Shadow Aura storyline (well, at least the way I've had it running through my head for at least three years). That, and most likely stuff was added to DA.
11/14/04 - Tastes So Good!
Mmm, taste that? Its the sweet taste of victory! My sharp and cruel tongue really comes to use when verbally pimp-smacking people over the internet. Why did I do this? Check out my latest Ranting and read all about it. Also, more stuff at my DevART account. I like throwing stuff out. A lots been added since the last update. And make sure to check out the Scraps gallery, which is really more of a Sketch gallery. I mean, a third of my pieces are in there alone! That's crazy stuff.
9/25/04 - More Still
Guess what updating I'm reporting this time? ... Yep, you guessed it, more junk dropped off at my DevART gallery! A couple of scraps, a pic of some Pokes, a Flekoi, and, later today, some Shadow Aura stuff. Spiffy? ... well, too bad.
9/18/04 - Delayed Word Bringings
This really isn't a new update, per se, but I have added a picture featuring the almighty Peanut Butter Monster up in my gallery, also featuring the lovely KindarSpirit and PineappleSodaCat, and, of course, myself! :D ... :| ... but, more importantly, those two broads. Hooray.
9/12/04 -Big Ol' Pic
In addition to some other stuff at my DeviantART account, including some Pokemon pictures, I got up this huge (well, it was huge prior to scanning) pic for Rumbl-o-Rama in a game form that it will never be -_-' Go, crushed dreams!
9/2/04 - Twenty-One
One score and one year ago, disaster struck the world... and I was born! Dun-dun-duuunnnn! Ain't it a shame? Too bad for all of you. Well, an unenthusiastic "whoo", I can legally drink now. Hm, what type of crazy junk will I be coming up with now? The world is too scared to even think of such...
8/28/04 - Floppin' Mad
I've gone quite mad, it would seem. I've been on an image making (or at least updating) spree at DA. For the last few days, and the next few days, new things are being added at a daily and steady rate! Shock! Don't expect that to last too long, tho', as I'm sure I'll lazy up quickly. But, in some news that is ... newsly... the NQH/TGC Store has gotten some added itemage. What, you ask? (or, more probable, don't) Why, it's the new official Peanutbutter Monster Cap and The Monsters T-Shirt! Both are at the lowest price I can sell them at, meaning I get no profit! Stick it too me! Erm, ahem, at least I hope the store works... I've never really tried buying anything from myself before... but I shall now! Cuz these items actually don't suck!
8/24/04 - Double Slurg? Onos!
A huge flop of junk was dumped onto my DA account, including a sketch of Tolv and an Odika, a picture of the Hairy Dairy Fairy, and a nice (not that the others aren't >_>') gallery of all the different breeds of Monsters, the kin to Peanut Butter Monster. In other news, I have found out what is expected of me from my proffessors. As of such, good bye, free time! X_x
8/21/04 - Slightly Delayed AND Useless
Yoz, some stuff was added... two days ago. *cough* So, what else could I do to fake out a reason for updating past time... uh... so, I guess you can check out these. 'Tis a link to interactive stories that I've started or contributed to at the Reality's End Forums, the prior by the name of Rumbl-o-Rama. It's unfinished, but a lot of wacky things happen in it. It should consume a lot of time. There's another R-o-R on the forums, too, that's much shorter and less finished. I'll probably refine both of them when done and put them on this site, and, possibly, just do one solo, adding to it bit by bit over time.
8/13/04 - Manditory Unlucky Fri. 13th Update
Whoo! Superstition! I sure haven't done much in a while, but wiht good reason. Finals and junk had me tied up pretty good. Also, I've been working on, oh, three pictures that I had to sketch, ink, and color. Oy. Those should be scanned up shortly (or not), so in the meantime, you can read the new rant I wrote, which shoddily details one of my greatest passions over the last ten years: dreaming too big.
7/17/04 - Still at It. Disappointing, No?
More lame updates, mainly at my DeviantArt account. Mostly some stuff I did in water color pencil. One turned out nice. Let's see how long it takes me to do anything else in it. Hah hah hah. Hey, remember all those promises I made about the summer update explosion? I sure don't! And neither do you! Go, Amnesia Dust!
7/7/04 - Lucky Sevens
It's lucky sevens! What's your luck? ... er, pictures! Some spreads of five different ENDreamers and five more Shadow Aura beings were thrown at you. That, and a new splash page to keep the illusion of this site for being stale from affecting you (anniversy pic being a month old looks bad, in my opinion).
6/28/04 - Back Kickin' It
After a slump of post anniversery slacking *cough* the site is coming back full force! Er, slight force. Whatever it is, there is some general amount of force involved for you to feel. So, do that, yo. First, I've begun the gradual process of officializing all 100+ of my Shadow Aura creatures, mainly since its own 5th Anniversery is coming up in November and only about 10% are even known to more than one person (being myself), but also so I'll stop changing what it is they look like. You wouldn't know how many times the Thorn Goblin has changed its appearance, or, should I say, Doku Tengu, as it was first dubbed. Second to such, the Al-Mi'raj has been drawn out as an official addition to the Reality's End game, Battling Dragons, as an adoptable creature. Its drawn, and visible at my Deviant Art account, as are the Shadow Aura critters, but I am not sure when it will be adoptable. Maybe today, but guarenteed within the week... unless the world explodes. And, lastly, I've made some random site icons for no real reason. Maybe I'll find some use for them. Meh.
6/15/04 - Slight Stuff
A few notes. First, I accidently saved some NQH's as being dated Sunday rather than Monday, and since I'm too lazy to take the time to change that all, it's gonna stay that way. Second, I got around to poppin' out another Kirby picture. Actually, I've had it for some time, but I just now was unlazy enough to get it up here. Go sloth!
6/8/04 - Fake Update
Okay, 5 years! Hooray! So, now, a belated fake update celebration! More or less, just some splorkidy pics for my newly signed-up for New Grounds account. Yeah... that's it. Sorry. A twelve page report has me sorta busy. You know how it is.
5/29/04 - Even More Pre-Fifth Blowout
Yet again, updatedness! This time, I've gone and added stuff to my REL Gyms. Well, not as much as I wanted to. For some reason, I couldn't add more items to my shop... however, now you can train your monster's stats up just like giving them vitamins and stuff! Spiffy, no? Hopefully, real soon, I'll do even more and note-worthy things to that whole area.
5/28/04 - Closer Yet to the Big 0-5
Well, junk sure has been transpiring. I got some pretty new graphics up, thus completing the fifth year make over in whole... I guess. Additionally, I finally wrote a long and slanderous article on how everyone (or at least a lot) of people suck. Don't you want to see if you're insulted? Getting nearer yet to the big anniversery. Crazy that it's been five years, huh? Of course, I think only about three of those years even count, but no one else has to know that. ... wait, I just told that secret fact to anyone who comes to this site. So, effectively, I guess it's no one. Phew. Still safe.
5/22/04 - Nearing V Day
As the day marking five years of me torturing the web draws nearer, I decided to take a quick visit back to the sites roots and wrote a long intended chapter to the Lost Soul saga. Sorry for not popping around sooner, but moving into a new college apartment and the first week of the summer semester kept me busy. To note old news, I actually threw a new picture in my gallery over a week ago but forgot to mention it. In other news, I'm tired. What else is new?
5/10/04 - More Dealings...
In preparation for the sites big 5th Year Celebration (by which I mean nothing), more random shaping-up and cosmetics were performed. Oh, plus I got a sample of ten of the thirteen races of LOI up at my DA account. Check it. Word.
5/8/04 - Yay! / Boo!
Well, my Spring Semester finally ended! (yay) But I got back for summer semester in about a week... (boo) Anyhoo, I'm gonna try to get this place shaped up again, due ot its much too long stretch of sucking up a storm... If you have eyes, you may have noticed a new bar and title graphic. Which, really are the same thing... *cough*
4/17/04 - Stuff!
Hey, everybody! ... Stuff! Do you know stuff? I know stuff! What kind of stuff? I dunno. ... Well, I think that may have wasted about ten seconds of you time (not counting the time where you flail around in pain from trying to understand what made me do that in the first place). Anyhoo, some of those old sketches I said might be coming finally got added. Plus, some more Legend of Idos coming at you. Yay. Additionally, the homestretch of the college semester is dawning, meaning heavy testing and studying and drinking. So, don't think I was killed or anything if I pull a no-show till early May. I just know you'd miss me. Hah hah hah, I don't even fool myself ;_;
4/11/04 - An Empty Basket
Well, it's not a bountiful Easter this year. Don't get me wrong, I've got Peeps shooting from my ears (and rears! er, I mean rear. I don't have more than one or anything. heh heh heh... -_-'). Saddly, however, due to being busy recently and going home for the holiday, I didn't really have time to make some Easter pic. I had a good idea, too, since it was gonna be about Easter Island instead, doubling up with April Fool's, so you can tell I really missed my shot to make it. Anyhoo, instead I just have a new splash page image, which now states the one thing ever visitor to the site wants to here me say. And don't ask why it's "We're Sorry" (tho' I know no one would) when there really isn't a staff here. I'm pretty psychotic. You don't know just how many mes there are. Anyhoo, I forgot about some old junk that I use to have laying around that may be re-uploaded to my DA account, so you can sorta expect that in the following day or so, depending on whether my internet connection allows me or not.
4/3/04 - Truckin'
In assumption of the words correct meaning, more stuff continues to made regularly... mainly since I cannot do homework at this time since my internet connection is being a 'tard right now. Of course, that true to when I'm writing this, so, obviously, by the time you read it, I'll have either gotten it back or went to a non-lame computer. I mean, duh. It's not like I have some sort of internet-telepathy. Or do I? Anyhoo, also expect some cruddy picture to be uploaded whenever my home connection allows me to do so.
3/27/04 - Keep on Crawling
More of the Legends of Idos slowly trickles out. Additionally, I think I can safely say that NQH is on some sort of regular schedule, being every Monday. Of course, this is a very pathetic rate, seeing how its only four panel comic size, but it's saddly the most I have time to make. Don't it suck? Oh, and some sketches were put at my Deviant ART page. Woo?
3/20/04 - More things! ... thing!
Another Legend of Idos was posted. Just to note, once I actually get a decently large amount written, each legend will be more properly organized. Right now, it's just sort of a "thrown out as it comes" thing. But, that probably won't come until I get all the basic mythos established, which is about five or so sessions away. That, and I adopted a Monoceros! Ain't it poidy?
3/13/04 - Piddle-paddle
Some minor tweekage. First, new background. Oo, pretty. I kinda hated the previous. Second, side bar maintainence. It was getting a little junked up. Now, I have the actually updated parts linked through there. Hooray! Also, the NQHs that were backlogged have broken through (less one :/ ), so you can read about fifteen new comics. Double hooray.
3/9/04 - Back to Back
I was a busy lil' jerk-wad today and got the beginings to End Of Eternity written. It's not really much, just a set up for the world, but the story wouldn't make much sense without it. So, that's it.
3/8/04 - Behold! ... Stuff!
It's an image blowout! A bunch of sucky diddle pictures were added to the Artwork gallery, mainly consisting of a slew of lil' icon thingies that I plan on using at sites for avatars and the such, but there's also another picture I threw at Kirby's Rainbow Resort for March, being full o' the Luck o' the Irish! ... o! By the way, the owner of KRR said she liked my site. So, if someone as cool as her likes it, you should, too! There's logic somewhere in there, if anyone finds it, tell me. Anyhoo, I put up some things at my Deviant Art gallery from Shadow Aura. They're really large files, so I'm not sure if they were displayed before, at least at the size.
2/28/04 - I'm Cheap, Sue Me
A dastardly path taken this week. Not much done besides revising the previously written Legends of Idos. For one, I took care of any typos I was too lazy to deal with the first time. Two, I made some minor changes to them. See, I forgot that I had some stuff already written out for them, rough outlines, and so I had to make them conform.
2/21/04 - Pulling through with a Promise... to suck!
Well, there's actually another Legend of Idos written. Can you believe it? It's already going better than Phantastical Ventures. In other news, I am so swamped with work from my professors, I fear NQH's hiatus will have to be extended indefinately. Which really sucks. I mean, I can't even find time to scan and work out the little two/three panel comics I draw during class, and I have at least twenty of those laying around! Anyhoo, the silver line to this cloud (assuming it was a cloud to you) is that NQH will probably just be made into Flash movies rather than comics, which is truly how it was meant to be, in my opinion. Chicken/Turkey's and Dr. Orange's catch phrases get amplified to a power of ten to the ten! ... th.
2/13/04 - Hm, This is a New Low
I have just been sucking up a storm lately with my site. I've been swamped with a barrage of work from my professors, so I haven't been making updates, and Keenspace was down for so long (now its not... sorta) that I got all back-logged on my comics. Oy. Well, that ends now! ... okay, so I'll probably still do all these things still in the future, but an update comes now! Shocklez! The Works of Goblin, that being my collection of ideas never brought into fruition, are official given life on this day, Friday the Thirteenth, the day before Valentines Day... gee, nothing about that timing bodes well with me. I wonder why... Maybe it's because I've had too much to drink today, and I don't mean alcohol. This is stuff that more of the hardware store variety... * burp * Anyhoo, the Legends of Idos, my idea from wee childhood, being the first of list to be conceived, receives the honor of being the first debuted. Unlike the Phantastical Ventures, I will actually write this... hopefully. Also, you know, new splash and stuffers.
1/29/04 - I Still Make These, Why Not?
It's been a while, but, shut up. I've been swamped with a recent and persisting tide of work. Keenspace is as of the moment down, but I've been thinking of moving to DeviantArt instead, anyways, though that would take some time. I've made some... things, wheather or not they are interesting, I do not know, but whatever. The first of which are a could of pics for KRR, or at least regarding KRR, and the second is a literary sampler of works that may be coming to a website near you... This website, stupid! In other non-offensive news, there is a very, very good chance that a Flash making program could be within my grasps! Oh, joy!
1/3/04 - Party Time! Bringing In the New Beer! ... er, Year!
'Tis time to bring in the new year! That time of the year where we usher in the new and burn the old to the bround (literally, in my case!). To celebrate the gaining of massive hangovers, here's some updateage that should have been done weeks ago )but I was busy with work .you understand, right?). First, the bad news: The server to which I had my sketches hosted on, and the server that was going to host AT, was busted! Apparently being the perfect web host makes you the perfect web host for SPAMers, too. And now, the slightly good news! (Hooray?) NQH is not dead, just behind by a week, which I am forcing myself to catch up on retrospectively... or something. And, tho' one server sucked up a storm, another exists expressly for hosting one's glorious artwork, DeviantArt.com! The place seems pretty nice, and 'tis free! Sign me up! (well, I haven't actually signed up, but I'm going to. again, busy)
And, lastly, the year 2004 will be the year that Mad Goblin sells out! That's right, I'm chuckin' away all dignity and whatnots to figuretively turn out tricks for other people's web sites, thus spreading the word of my name and hopefully becoming a bit more well known. How's it going? Well, if you've checked out Kirby's Rainbow Resort this month, you'd already know. For their new monthly Frontpage Artwork challenge, you're favorite green webmaster's picture was chosen. Ain't it great? ... well, I don't care. It is to me. It was beginner's luck, too. Neat, no? Anyhoo, second on the list for selling out, which I have technically been doing for about two years now, maybe, is making pictures for FlareonAtma's PPC. Pretty much, I'm just chucking artwork at this dude since all others who do ain't quite that good. Good news for me tho', right? Future Sell-Outs include the attempt at Fan Comics for my favorite web cartoonists. But, until then, I've chewed your guys' ears, er... eyes long enough, so enjoy the dance of the Peanut Butter Monster! (it's sorta a new mascot I've been tinkering with)