12/27/07 - Sittin'
I wish I had better news. Sadly, as it was before, there's stuff, but a lot of it is just... sitting there. I can't release a half-finished product, sadly. Of course, I do have an NQH week of stuff going down (now mostly passed). Also, why not make a half-empty promise? I should be getting a History of Rumbl-o-Rama typed up soon, why not? It's the companion for RoR: Year End Blow Out, a smashing dis-success! Go marvel at how poorly it's faring at RE's ReWS!
12/09/07 - More Than Meets the Eye
That's right. I borrowed the Transformers' line. Regardless, I hate how it looks like I'm not doing anything. I am, but it's not here. Which, I guess, that's as good as nothing. Outside of what you see having been added to my art gallery, I've been doing a lot of work at KRR, and since I don't do PHP and am doing PHP, you can imagine the "fun" being had. And, as always, work on a crummy game. Bet you (ie: no one) is wondering when that will be shown.
11/27/07 - Actually New
Despite what looks like the same old, same old, there's been updates. NQH jumped from a week of Halloween to Thanksgiving. Expect the same for Christmas, too. Also, the third in a set of Infinity Guard pictures in the ol' gallery.
11/18/07 - Not What It Seems
This really looks bad, I'll admit. A whole month by and what to show for it? Well, outside of some stuff chucked up in my gallery (only the most recent of it mentioned), I've been doing, as said before, a lot of work on game-stuff. Pretty lousy, huh? Well, to make up for it, how about a new top box picture? I still consider it too early to get into the season yet, but why not? Plus, Flopowhop + in a box = cute!
11/03/07 - Burning Daylight
As if anything important could be done? No, not the case. Rather, I've just plopped out three pictures. First forth, you can see the new splash. Halloween is old, and the holiday season is upon us. Next, that old Squish Pod page picture was on my nerves, so I finally got around to making a new one (replacing it when hardly even there for long). Also, I've done something at my gallery, Dream Land fan pic, nothing to hoot about. In other news, there is no other news.
10/17/07 - Time Flown By
Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future, but this site is grounded like a rock. Don't believe lyrics. Um, right, a point. Well, sir, I've gotten the Squish Pod Shots & Specials page up, which really should have been one of the first completed. Anywise, that makes the SP info site up and grounded. Its full of completeness. Ain't that nice? So, if that's all I've been up to for two weeks, what have I been doing? Largely working on another game. Squish was good fun and all, but once I realized how much its fundamentals sucked (and they do!), I had to get on board with another project... despite having two already in the works. This one has a future, however, so it's different?
10/04/07 - Lives Again
Here's a very odd one for you. A day shy of a year ago, I began writing a piece of work, and I've been saying for months that "It'll be finished and posted in no time (no promises)." Thank you, exception clause. Well, it has actually been a full three-hundred sixty-five days since I wrote it, and it has finally been completed: the eighth act of Dungeon Delver, All Natural. Funnily enough, it was given an autumn/Hallowe'en theme, so now it's back in style. Go, go, procrastination!
10/01/07 - Real Dead Ringer
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the update. First and foremost, I chucked out another piece of art for Halloween as well as a splash. Gee, only thirty days early? Makin' good time. Next to that, due to some whiny douche bitching about his work being inferior crap, I've spruced up the Demo of Dream Land Dash I had uploaded at YoYoGames.com. Then, um... a picture for Vintage Spoon's page since it got me a Google hit. Nice.
09/24/07 - Game Further
The latest installment of Squish Pod is available for play by the public. It now has a whopping 25 levels total. Also, a picture submitted? Yep, I still draw, just rarely. Then, minor tweeking and adds to some of the SP pages. All in a lazy day's work.
09/21/07 - Getting Squishy
More of the Squish Pod Game Page was filled out. It includes updated Item, Foe, and Boss sections plus the new arrivals of the Obstacles and Hints, Tips, & Secrets pages. Included is a sneak peek at what's coming with the next installment of SP since, well, I put in all the updates and didn't really realized that they weren't in the current edition. More to look forward to, I guess, right?
09/17/07 - Spitting Flames
I recently ate a lot of hot sauce full of Habenero peppers, but that's besides the point. What may this point be, then, you ask? I ... don't really know, truthfully. I'm wagering around an update made in the Rants & Editorials section, quite possibly.
09/13/07 - Can't Let It Be
Why stop at one update this week? (Note: don't hold your breath for any more) For some reason, I just couldn't help but get another one out. Maybe it's the fact that I've been sitting on this one since, oh, April? Pretty long time. Anywise, it's the profile pictures for the Dream Scape character bios. ... Yeah, I don't really care either. Why do you think I've had them scanned for months but not finished? On another note, tho', I have also joined that Google Analytics dealie to finally know what's thumpin' near my woods. So far, I've learned that the only part of my site worth its crap is the Venom Gym. Way to go, R.E. League!
09/12/07 - Worth the Wait?
Yes, even I question it. Ahem, anyhoo, Squish Pod was officially released as a full game to the public today. Of course, I still plan to add the hell to it in the future, but now it'll probably be monthly/bimonthly installments instead of weekly. Also, in addition to the pages picture being made, I made... well, the page for the game. It's all full of stuff about it! Actually, it's only half full of it right now. More is being made, but that's what I got so far.
09/03/07 - Empty Promises
Not only are they that, but now they're coming from an old fart! Well, older. Anyhoo, I finally got around to whipping up a picture for Bimblesnaff showing the changes over the years (Two, I think? That's still pluralable!). All that other stuff that was to come? Still not done, but it will! (Here's where that "empty promises" title comes in). Also, I expect another shot of Squish Pod to be thrown out soon. I've made some major changes and believe it can go to "Super Please Test This Game" mode of development. Soon, I believe. Soon.
08/28/07 - Repeat
Another update to Squish Pod has been made of late, plus a birthday related drawing. Sound familiar? There was also a Dungeon Delver sketch uploaded sometime in between these updates.
08/22/07 - Last Time on "Mad Goblin, P.I."
Still up to the same as before. A new version of Squish Pod was brought forth (sadly marked as v4 due to several unacceptable bugs slinking by for what should have only been v3) and a picture was thrown up at DA some time ago. I wish I remembered reporting it then. It was made for Tris' b-day, so show her some lov- ... Actually, she'd prolly get on me for saying that, so I won't finish that thought.
08/16/07 - Reconnected
After a long stretch of down time, I'm springing back with... updates! Yeah, that's the ticket. Catch the lastest (or last?) installment of Bimblesnaff's Misadventures! Or, if you're too lazy to read that grueling series, maybe you could just enjoy Squish Pod, that nutty waste-of-time computer game I made. Speaking of these two things (WARNING! False promises to follow!), each of those should soon (never) get some extra pages detailing more information about them, such as insight to behind the makings of and references and... how to play. Stay tuned!
08/02/07 - When It Rains
It's pouring here in the Lair. After a summer drought, things sure are perking up. How much crap have I dumped here as of late? Well, keeping up with it, another picture to the art gallery is up plus I've finally gotten around to that lame author page update. It really needed updated since I completed college.
08/01/07 - Dishing Out
Trying to push out all old updates from that above list, I've spat some more junk out. First, a picture at the old gallery. Just another KRR front page, nothing fancy. Secondly, I've just shrugged and tossed up ol' Aftermath: The Relogue. It's hard to explain why, but I did there. Check it.
07/31/07 - Deadly Late
I've taken way too much time to do this, but it's here at last: What I've been wasting oh-so many nights on. A playable game. It's in early development, meaning little levels, but may be worth a gander. ... Okay, it's not. I'm sorry.
07/18/07 - Zip
Well, where did that time go? After much, much delay, I finally got something to show for something. Here's the new splash picture that I made to go with the Gruj one. For the first time in years, B & G are back together! Of course, this is a careless and empty addition. Really, ever since I last made mention of "something", junks been in the works. Now, it seems pretty damn close to fruition, although I don't want to spill the beans until I know its cooked long enough.
07/10/07 - It's... Something?
Since I had an anniversary over a month ago, I figured its about time to change the decor. Behold, a new bar top box: completely functionless and without substance! That's what the kids go for these days, right?
07/07/07 - Good Fortune?
All sevens. What does it mean? Dunno, but I did toss up a pic. More may come, too, soon. Feelin' lucky? (Don't)
07/05/07 - Another Picture
Pretty piss-poor of me, I know, but I tossed out another picture. It, sadly, isn't even that good of one. It goes up with another thrown into the mix from an unspoken update.
06/20/07 - Big & Hairy
Ya know what? Big hairy club wielding brutes is what. See my gallery for Trog.
06/15/07 - Still Stuff
Spreading out from the posting of VB, how about a nice li'l picture for its page? There we go. Plus, ugliness, why not, for the art gallery. And what says ugly better than my face?
06/12/07 - Speaking of Word...
Updatage returns, but for how long? Yard work sucks, and getting a "real job" in the "real world" will consume, honestly, a whole day soon, and I like to keep space open. So, there's an update (shoulda said that first) again to my gallery. Boy, that seems to be all that goes on this month, huh? Oh, but also Vaporeon Babble 4b: That Obnoxious Hypno is posted but still needs spell checked. I ... don't have one that can handle it all in one dump, and to hell if I'm gonna do it in sections. That's way too much words.
06/07/07 - Unspoken Word
I didn't say it, but I did it. I threw up a picture of Graphight! yesterday and another picture of some random loser today. Ain't the best? ... Yeah, I know the answer. You don't have to say it.
... it's no.
06/05/07 - Chug-a-lug
Art is flowing like spiked punch at the prom. Rock-rocket! Expect another one tomorrow and probably the day after, too. Shockingly more still, there could yet more after that. Crazy time!
06/03/07 - Told Ya
Coming through on a promise? That's a first. Another picture was made, and some more are ready to soar off the presses (which is actually a crappy scanner). Also, the collaborative Shadow Aura Collections game is set to redebut any time now. Keep on the look out for that.
06/02/07 - More Art
See title. Er, yes. More are is flying at ya. Another should be up tomorrow or abouts to make up for the streak of every other day that was semi-going on. Until then, apathy!
05/30/07 - Eight Isn't Interesting
And so it has come: the 8th year of the Lair. Pretty not spiffy. I mean, what? I don't really have anything to show for it 'cept some stupid pictures? Yeah, kind of a bummer. There's stuff in works, and I could feed excuses but shan't. There should be some goodies on the horizon, however. Until then, I guess, 8!
05/22/07 - Chug-a-lug
Chugging right along with nigh on a week until the big 8th year of the Lair/Den (What? "Dragon's Den?" Never heard of it. I've always been calling here "The Lair of Bimblesnaff"- I mean, Mad Goblin. Really.), I gots another shiny pic-tor made for my gallery. I've been thinking, and I should probably really get a few choice samples and keep on the main site as a portfolio or something. I shouldn't really be so heavily invested in outsourced pages. All in due time, I suppose.
05/19/07 - The Ball
"Hello, Mr. Ball. Do you mind if I get back on you? You don't? Really? Great!" ... That was stupidly lame. Anyhoo, I'm trying, folks. To kick off the second update this week, I've finally got around to doing that stuff for Vintage Spoon. More is still slated to come, much more, but at least this is a start to the start. The same picture in the profile was uploaded to my gallery, so I won't even mention that one.
05/17/07 - Making Updates
Updates? Those are for 'mophi! Er, I mean, I've been meaning to, but not having a job and not working are really kinking up my ability to do such. ... Cough. Really, they have. Having poorly managed my inventor from moving out of my apartment, I've misplaced my CD chock full of all my files. I actually leech old files to make new ones, so that process is a little slowed down. However, everything should be hunky-dory for the big eight year bash! ... Note: "bash" in this case is more of "total disappointment".
05/01/07 - Do This Still Get Made?
Artwork has been created. I know, amazing. It's another front page picture for KRR, so it isn't exactly fancy. Still, tho', something.
04/14/07 - Hit & a Miss
While I pegged the last day o' interest of April, I completely spaced out until after the 13th. I've been holding on to these ones for some time, too, and just now thought to toss 'em up. The first is just a crummy "legend" that, like all of them, should have been written, oh, three years ago. It's sad to think that's when it started. Next, there's a shiny new page picture for Lost Soul, despite the fact that the series has been pretty much buried for about as much time as Legends. Oh, well.
04/01/07 - No Foolin'
On this, the day of jest, what do I have to prank pull? Updates, and lots of them. Yeah, that's right. A huge ass dump of things that would not fly on any other day, for, well, they all suck. First we have the Kirby's Dream Land series fan characters? What is that garbage? Next, there is a new Without An End, 3 Bullets. It's great 'cuz it... doesn't end. Then, lastly, there's an update that isn't even anything, just the prospect: Vintage Spoon. There would have been more, but, well, I had work to do... that I already put off enough of. Hey, that Dream Land Tribute update covers, like, five new pages. Pretty dope, yo. Pretty dope.
03/25/07 - Screeching Halt
That glory time sure did slam the breaks, am I right? It was all going so good, now it's all... just not. It even took me over a week to say, "Hey, pictures! Check 'em!" Unfortunately, I have a slew of projects halfway done, but none of them want to be finished: another Misadventure of Bimblesnaff, a Dungeon Delver way past due, some junk for my Dream Land Tributes, and so on. But, ... none of them can seem to reach that final, defining point of "finished". Bah.
02/28/07 - Caution: Updates!
I may have done some bad things. This is more of a warning than anything, but I've really restructured a lot of the literary pages. For starters, now it is more well spread out. Several combined pages have been given a leg of their own to stand on and there may be kinds from the fix up. Just so you know, stuff may break up like crazy! Hopefully not, tho'.
02/25/07 - Mooore!
Are you sick of this stuff yet? Well, the first note is the most obvious as the icons to the left should be recognized as new. Additionally, however, I have condensed all of the Dream Land fanatic fictions onto one page. They are still linked to from several sources, but at least they are sitting pretty. Associated with the new page is some new page picture(s). Oh, yes, and the site still has no counter. What a shame.
02/21/07 - Cruisin' While Boozin'
Note: There is actually no alcohol involved, however, I have been a busy one. A whole lot of stuff was reshaped, snappied-up, and added from old. A Fanaticism page was created detailing all my works dedicated to other works, a little sad really. That in mind, several pages were updated that featured fanatic works, mainly in the Dream Land department. Battle On was added, which is strange as I thought it was already there. Also, NQH was one time(ish) and will be (hopefully) getting to be there first thing Monday morning again. I know that at least next week's will be on schedule.
02/16/07 - Cramberries
I'm jammed some more cram into the site and it's new refreshening. Notice now how all that shows up is updates from this year (and month, in fact), as I've been that at it. I'm begun to seed the work I hope to get fuller on: providing a picture for each main page of an area. Just a little way to say, "Hey, this thing is cared about." That's what the kids these days like, right? Pictures? Well, also, I've gone through all four chapters and forty plus chapters of Lost Soul and brought them up to par. I even recovered Book 4 Chapter 2, which was previously lost, unknownst to me since about the day of its creation. If anything else isn't turning out, please, let me know. I'd help out a hell of a lot. There's apparent some words that I can't say and will break pages, and not even swears. Just certain letter combinations. Odd, know?
02/8/07 - Jam-Bot 5k
No, I have no clue to what that title means. However, I have been pimpin' out the flow with a spree of updateage to actually make this place seem like it's been goin' on this year. A new "micro splash", a new art piece, and the adaption of RoR for my site. Love it up, peeps. The Lair is on fire! ... Seriously, there's a fire. All this updating is causing trouble for the servers, and the site fell victim to an internet fire. Someone/body, do somethin'!
02/5/07 - Pardon The Dust
Please excuse any awkward formattings as the site is being redesigned. I'm going with a more spacious, lighter color scheme as opposed to the old junked-up, tight, dark, musty one that was used prior. Hopefull, this will be a good change.
02/3/07 - Takin' It Back
Slowly, but surely, I'm getting back. I've hit a bit of a crap-patch for the last month or so. The holidays are horrible for time with my computer, and I had some junk that ate my time. But, enough fake excuses, here's some real ones. The site is moving! Don't worry, you don't have to care a bit. MadGoblin.com is still staying, but there won't be any more advertisements on the site once the move is complete. When will that be? Don't know. I could make it short and sweet, but I want to restructure and update a lot of pages before getting into the matter, so some parts of the site like the Images (oo, I'm sure people care about that garbage) will be done until dust settles. So, don't be looking out for that. Hopefully, no one will even be able to tell.
01/13/07 - Imagine That
Images-o-plenty raining 'pon you like... things that rain, I suppose. Can't think of anything that does it just now... Anyhoo, I've recently supplied a plethora of artwork to my gallery after a long drought, including a horrible beast and violence against emos. Nice, no? Also, I've (lately) replaced the autumn styled bar image. Now, it's much more disturbing. Oh! Rain! That's what rains. Right.